Wendy Marie Lemons

Senior Executive Sales Representative

We found the following information about Wendy Marie Lemons at Lake View Cheese Co, where this professional has worked as a Senior Executive Sales Representative since 2018. Wendy's total work experience is over six years, during which time this expert had at least five jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Wendy studied at the Concorde Career Colleges from 2012 to 2013. Wendy currently is located in Mira Loma, California. You can contact with Wendy by looking for phone number or email or find exhaustive info by requesting access to their additional details from us.
Name variants:
Gwendolen Lemons

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 9, 2022
le**@sysco.com, cc**@henrysmarket.com
Mira Loma, CA


Senior Executive Sales Representative



Work History

Senior Executive Sales Representative

from Feb 2018

Grocery Buyer

Ontario, CA
The focus with NAFTA was purchasing from over seas or in Mexico. I would coordinate pricing negotiations and strategically order containers of laundry detergent for our clients in the US. Th...
May 2017 — Sep 2017

Senior Buyer

Responsible for all aspects of purchasing. Products ranged from perishable produce and dairy to labels and packing. Negotiated pricing and maintained relationships with vendors. Sourced new ...
Feb 2016 — Oct 2016

Category Planner

1390 Enclave Pkwy, Houston, TX 77077
I am responsible for maintaining appropriate product levels for a vast customer base . Managing pricing, product mix, sourcing new innovative products, and aging inventory for over 1800 acti...
Apr 2012 — Nov 2015


1390 Enclave Pkwy, Houston, TX 77077
Apr 2011 — Nov 2014


Sales Specialist
Sales Representative
Sales Agent
Buyer and Seller


Customer Service

FAQs about Wendy Marie Lemons

What's the profession of Wendy Marie Lemons?

This professional's job is Senior Executive Sales Representative

What jobs is Wendy proficient at at?

The expert is a professional such jobs as Sales Specialist and Sales Representative.

Where is Wendy Marie Lemons located?

The professional is currently located in Mira Loma, California.

What is the professional's email?

The professional's email is le**@sysco.com and cc**@henrysmarket.com.

How many companies did Wendy Marie Lemons work at?

The professional worked at five jobs.

What education does Wendy Marie Lemons have?

Wendy studied at the Concorde Career Colleges from 2012 to 2013.

Are there any professional industries Wendy Marie Lemons works in?

This person works in Food Production industry.

Are there any skills Wendy Marie Lemons has?

Wendy Marie Lemons has skills in the following areas: Customer Service.