Tonie Marie Gordon

Executive Director

We found the following information about Tonie Marie Gordon at Anthem, Inc., where Tonie Marie Gordon has worked as a Senior Innovation Analyst since 2018. Tonie's total work experience is over 12 years, during which time this person had at least eight jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Tonie studied at the University of Virginia from 2010 to 2015. This expert received the following certifications: Social-Behavioral-Education (Sbe) Module on Hippa Information, Privacy, and Security, Social-Behavioral-Education (Sbe) Module on Hippa Awareness, and Information Security For Managers. Tonie Marie Gordon is experienced in two languages: Spanish and English. Tonie currently lives in Decatur, Georgia. You can contact with Tonie by searching for phone number or email address or find additional information by requesting access to this professional's further details.
Name variants:
Tonie Gordon

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
Decatur, GA


Anthem, Inc.
Senior Innovation Analyst

Indianapolis, IN


Insurance, Hospital and Medical Service Plans Accident and Health Insurance Carrier, Hospital/Medical Service Plans Accident/Health Insurance

Work History

Senior Innovation Analyst

120 Monument Cir, Indianapolis, IN 46204
Jun 2018 — Sep 2019

Executive Director

461 5Th Ave, New York, NY 10017
from Sep 2019

Independent Consultant and Contractor

from Jun 2016

Health Policy Research Associate

College Park, MD
Utilizing qualitative and quantitative research skills to contribute to government-based projects in the field of health policy in the areas of Medicaid Medicare fraud, waste and abuse s...
Jun 2015 — May 2016

Researcher and Sociology Phd Student

Charlottesville, VA
Utilized a multidisciplinary approach to investigate “maternalist eugenics” (the suppression or manipulation of women’s reproductive choices) in light of broad economic trends and racial ine...
Aug 2010 — May 2015

Adjunct Professor

1301 College Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Taught students the fundamentals of social research design, with an emphasis on evaluating social science research and scientific epistemology. Provided a wide-ranging survey of social sci...
Aug 2013 — Dec 2013

Graduate Assistant

Charlottesville, VA
Helped plan, execute, and evaluate the Virginia-North Carolina Alliance for Minority Participation (VA-NC Alliance) summer enrichment program for undergraduate STEM students from underrepre...
Oct 2011 — Jul 2012

Teaching Assistant

Charlottesville, VA
Helped teach several sociology classes (courses included Systems of Inequality, Criminology, Gender & Violence, and Sociology of the Family), which involved becoming familiar with a wide ra...
Aug 2008 — May 2012



Chief Executive Officer
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive


Data Analysis
Research Design
Grant Writing
Social Sciences
Public Speaking
Social Science Research
Qualitative Research
Social Research
Higher Education
Non Profits
Literature Reviews
Community Outreach
Public Policy

FAQs about Tonie Marie Gordon

What's the profession of Tonie Marie Gordon?

This professional's job is Executive Director

What are the main profession of Tonie Marie Gordon?

These person's professions are Executive and Chief Executive Officer

Where does Tonie Marie Gordon live?

Tonie Marie Gordon lives in Decatur, Georgia.

Does Tonie Marie Gordon have the email address?

tm** is Tonie Marie Gordon's email address.

Where did Tonie Marie Gordon work?

This expert worked at Anthem, Inc., Ccs.

What education does Tonie Marie Gordon have?

Tonie studied at the University of Virginia from 2010 to 2015.

What are the certifications of Tonie Marie Gordon?

Tonie Marie Gordon received the following certifications: Social-Behavioral-Education (Sbe) Module on Hippa Information, Privacy, and Security.

What languages does Tonie Marie Gordon speak?

Tonie Marie Gordon speaks Spanish and English.