Stan Baker

Heavy Equipment Operator

We found the following information about Stan Baker at Yadkin Valley Paving, where Stan has worked as a Heavy Equipment Operator. Stan's total work experience is over zero years, during which time this person had at one company to develop professional skills. Stan can be found in Esbon, Kansas – where this professional is currently located. You can find Stan Baker's actual contacts with Connexy search.
Name variants:
Stanislas Baker, Stanley Baker

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 23, 2022
Esbon, KS


Heavy Equipment Operator

Winston Salem, NC


Construction, Concrete Contractor, Asphalt Driveway

Work History

Heavy Equipment Operator

121 Cloverleaf Dr, Winston Salem, NC 27103
Yadkin Valley Paving is a Construction company located in 121 Cloverleaf Dr, Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States.


Equipment Operator
Industrial Operator

FAQs about Stan Baker

What is the main profession of Stan Baker?

Stan Baker is a Heavy Equipment Operator.

What jobs is Stan Baker proficient at at?

Stan is proficient at such jobs as Equipment Operator.

Where does Stan Baker currently live?

Esbon, Kansas is the place where Stan Baker currently lives

How many companies did Stan Baker work at?

The professional worked at one jobs.

Are there any industries Stan Baker works in?

Stan works in Construction industry.