Stacie Dawson

Activity Instuctor

We found the following information about Stacie Dawson at City of Goldsboro, where this professional has worked as a Activity Instuctor since 2016. Stacie's total work experience is over one years, during which time this expert had at least four jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Stacie attended school at the University of North Carolina Wilmington from 2011 to 2013. This person has professional certification in Ballet Instructor and Jazz Instructor. Seven Springs, North Carolina is the place where this professional currently lives. You can contact with Stacie by looking for phone number or email address or find exhaustive information by requesting access to this professional's details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Stacy Dawson

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 9, 2022
Seven Springs, NC


Activity Instuctor


Government Administration

Work History

Activity Instuctor

Goldsboro, NC
Instructing students on the proper techniques of ballet in an atmosphere that promotes self-esteem, self-confidence, physical activity, and teamwork for children of various ages.
from Jun 2016


from Apr 2016

Sales Associate

Responsible for arriving promptly to open and close store. Creatively and neatly displaying merchandise to promote sales. Answering calls and completing transactions over the phone. Developi...
Feb 2014 — Dec 2015

Dance Instructor

325 north Wells St, Chicago, IL 60654
Teaching dance styles that include ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, acrobatics, and lyrical. Responsibilities include arriving promptly to dance studio to perform opening tasks such as cleaning, a...
from 2007



Chief Executive


Written Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Microsoft Office
Basic Html
Organizational Leadership
Organization Skills
Client Relations
Customer Service
Money Management

FAQs about Stacie Dawson

What is the main profession of Stacie Dawson?

This professional's job is Activity Instuctor

What jobs is Stacie Dawson proficient at at?

Stacie Dawson is proficient at Executive and Owner jobs.

Where does Stacie Dawson live?

They lives in Seven Springs, North Carolina.

How many companies did Stacie Dawson work at?

The professional worked at four jobs.

What education does Stacie Dawson have?

Stacie studied at the University of North Carolina Wilmington from 2011 to 2013.

Are there any certifications, that Stacie Dawson has?

Stacie received the following certifications: Ballet Instructor, Jazz Instructor, Acrobatics Instructor, and Leadership Certificate.

Are there any professional industries Stacie Dawson is connected to?

Stacie Dawson works in Fine Art industry.

Are there any special skills, that Stacie Dawson has?

Stacie has such skills as Written Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Microsoft Office, Basic Html, Organizational Leadership, Organization Skills, and Client Relations.