Robert Tinker

Counselor and Case Manager and Leadership Development

We found the following information about Robert Tinker at Project Empower, where Robert Tinker has worked as a Lead Career Agent since 2000. Robert's total work experience is over four years, during which time this professional had at least three jobs at different places to develop skills. Robert studied at the Western Kentucky University. Robert currently lives in Louisville, Kentucky. You can contact with Robert by searching for phone or email address or get exhaustive info by requesting access to the professional's additional details from us.
Name variants:
Bob Tinker, Bobbie Tinker, Bobby Tinker, Dob Tinker, Rob Tinker, Robbie Tinker, Robby Tinker, Robin Tinker, Bert Tinker, Bertie Tinker

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 3, 2022
rt**, ca**
Louisville, KY


Lead Career Agent

Bowling Green, KY


Individual/Family Services

Work History

Lead Career Agent

Bowling Green, KY
2000 — Apr 2002

Counselor and Case Manager and Leadership Development

812 south Preston St, Louisville, KY 40203
Monitor and document student achievements and challenges for the year they are enrolled in YBL and during two years of follow up. Help students overcome barriers to success. Develope curricu...
from Apr 2002

Education Talent Search Counselor

Nov 1998 — 2000


Health Specialist
Health Information Manager
Sales Specialist
Health Services Administrator
Health Services Manager
Sales Representative


Higher Education
Career Counseling
Public Speaking
Program Development
Leadership Development
Community Outreach
Grant Writing
Program Evaluation
Volunteer Management
Staff Development
Mental Health
Social Services
Youth Development
Student Counseling
Academic Advising
Workshop Facilitation
Crisis Intervention
Student Development
Educational Leadership
Student Financial Aid
At Risk
Career Assessment
Small Group Counseling
Mental Health Counseling
College Applications
Group Therapy
Counseling Psychology
Case Managment
Family Therapy
Individual Counselling
Behavior Modification
Student Affairs
Community Development
Job Search Strategies
Child Welfare
Youth Mentoring
Resume Writing
Motivational Interviewing
Conflict Resolution
Child Development
Curriculum Design

FAQs about Robert Tinker

What's the profession of Robert Tinker?

This professional's job is Counselor and Case Manager and Leadership Development

What jobs is Robert proficient at at?

Robert is proficient at Health Specialist and Health Information Manager jobs.

Where does Robert Tinker live?

Robert Tinker currently lives in Louisville, Kentucky.

Does Robert Tinker have the email address?

rt** and ca** is The professional's email address.

Where did Robert Tinker work?

This person worked at Project Empower, Youthbuild Louisville.

Where has Robert Tinker studied?

Robert studied at the Western Kentucky University.

What is the industry that Robert Tinker is connected to?

Robert works in Education Management industry.

Are there any professional skills, that Robert Tinker has?

This person has the following skills: Higher Education, Grants, Career Counseling, Public Speaking, Program Development, Leadership Development, Community Outreach, Grant Writing, and Nonprofits.