Robert Barletta

Executive Vice President

We found the following information about Robert Barletta at Marino., where the professional has worked as a Executive Vice President since 2015. Robert's total work experience is over nine years, during which time they had worked at one company to develop skills. Robert studied at the Rutgers University - Eagleton Institute from 1998 to 1999. Robert Barletta currently is located in New York, New York. You can contact with Robert by searching for phone number or email or get exhaustive information by requesting access to this person's further details.
Name variants:
Bob Barletta, Bobbie Barletta, Bobby Barletta, Dob Barletta, Rob Barletta, Robbie Barletta, Robby Barletta, Robin Barletta, Bert Barletta, Bertie Barletta

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 9, 2022
ro**, rb**, rb**
New York, NY


The Marino Organization
Executive Vice President

New York, NY


Public Relations and Communications, Lobbyists

Work History

Executive Vice President

747 3Rd Ave, New York, NY 10017
Marino is a full-service strategic communications firm founded in 1993, with offices in New York City, Boston and Los Angeles. We develop and execute customized public relations, digital and...
from Apr 2015


Executive Vice President
Real Estate Broker
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Finance and Accounting Specialist
PR and Communications Professional
Vice President
Chief Executive
Property Manager
Real Estate Manager
Accounting Bookkeeper
Public Relations Professinal


Media Relations
Strategic Communications
Social Media
Press Releases
Public Relations
Public Affairs
Speech Writing
Social Media Marketing
Corporate Communications
Public Policy
Crisis Communications
Message Development
Reputation Management
Event Planning
Crisis Management
Economic Development
Community Development
Internal Communications
Grassroots Organizing
Political Campaigns
Event Management
Marketing Communications

FAQs about Robert Barletta

What's the main profession of Robert Barletta?

Robert is a Executive Vice President.

What are the profession of The professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Executive Vice President

Where is Robert Barletta located?

The professional is located in New York, New York.

What is Robert's email?

Robert's email is ro** and rb**

Where did Robert Barletta work?

This expert worked at Marino..

Where has Robert Barletta studied?

Robert studied at the Rutgers University - Eagleton Institute from 1998 to 1999.

What languages does Robert Barletta speak?

Robert Barletta speaks English and Italian.

What is the industry that Robert Barletta is connected to?

Robert works in Public Relations And Communications industry.