The Marino Organization

The Marino Organization

New York, NY

We have found contact information containing phone numbers and email addresses for The Marino Organization. The industry of the company is Public Relations and Communications. The Marino Organization is based at 171 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016. The company uses products and components, such as Assessments, Consultations, and Public Relations. The company operates in the fields of Media Relations, Corporate Communications, Community Relations, Media Training, and Strategic Consulting. Frank Marino currently works in The Marino Organization. The company was founded on 1/4/1993.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
Doing business as
Marino Organization
Marino Organization Inc
171 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016
171 Madison Ave SUITE 1100, New York, NY 10006
171 Madison Ave STE 1100, New York, NY 10016
(***) ***-0808
(***) ***-2457
Public Relations and Communications
Political Organizations
Media Relations
Corporate Communications
Community Relations
Media Training
Number of Employee
11-50 employees
Public Relations
8743 - Public Relations Services
874300 - Public relations service
541 - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

Decision Makers

Senior Vice President
Executive Vice President


Associate Vice President
Integrated Marketing Manager
Account Director
Manager, The Hive
Manager, Digital And Social
Adjunct Instructor
Senior Vice President
Director Of Communications
Associate Director Of Communications And External Relations
Account Executive

FAQs about The Marino Organization

In which industries does The Marino Organization operate?

As we have found, the main industries of The Marino Organization are Public Relations and Communications and Lobbyists.

Who is the Owner in The Marino Organization?

The Owner in The Marino Organization is Frank Marino.

What are special fields for The Marino Organization?

The fields connected with The Marino Organization are Media Relations, Corporate Communications, Community Relations, Media Training, and Strategic Consulting

What are the phones of corporate The Marino Organization?

The official phones of decision-makers in The Marino Organization may be in this list: (***) ***-0808, (***) ***-2457. For any additional information, contact us.

When was The Marino Organization founded?

This company was founded on 1993.

What is the place of the company The Marino Organization?

The address of the company The Marino Organization is New York, New York.

What can be the alias of The Marino Organization?

The alias for The Marino Organization is THE MARINO ORGANIZATION INC.

What are the products of The Marino Organization?

The products of The Marino Organization are Assessments, Consultations, and Public Relations.