Patty V. Leuven

Human Resources

Patty V. Leuven has been a Human Resources in R K A Petroleum Co LLC. Additionally, Patty V. Leuven has on-the-job experience at more than two companies in the relevant field. Patty can be found in Brownstown Township, Michigan – where this professional is currently located. You can contact with Patty by searching for phone or email address or find additional information by requesting access to this professional's details from us.
Name variants:
Martha Leuven, Matilda Leuven, Patricia Leuven

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Contact Information

Last Update
Sep 7, 2015
Brownstown Township, MI


Human Resources

Romulus, MI


Whol Petroleum Products

Work History

Human Resources

28340 Wick Rd, Brownstown Township, MI 48174

Human Resources Manager

28340 Wick Rd, Romulus, MI 48174


HR Specialist
Human Resources Specialist

FAQs about Patty V. Leuven

What's the main profession of Patty V. Leuven?

This professional's job is Human Resources

What are the profession of This professional?

These person's professions are HR Specialist and Human Resources Specialist

Where does Patty V. Leuven live?

Brownstown Township, Michigan is the place where Patty V. Leuven currently lives

Where did Patty V. Leuven work?

This expert worked at R K A Petroleum Co LLC, REX CARRIERS, INC.