Pam Gentile

Vice President Business Development

We found the following information about Pam Gentile at The Whitestone Group, where this professional has worked as a Vice President Business Development. Pam's total work experience is over zero years, during which time Pam Gentile had a job at one company to develop professional skills. Pam currently lives in Columbus, Ohio. You can contact with Pam by searching for phone number or email address or get exhaustive information by requesting access to the professional's additional details.
Name variants:
Pamela Gentile

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 10, 2022
Columbus, OH


Vice President Business Development

Columbus, OH


Security and Investigations

Work History

Vice President Business Development

4100 Regent St, Columbus, OH 43085
The Whitestone Group is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business that provides full spectrum security and asset protection services to the United States Federal Government. We currently hav...


Vice President
Customer Service
Sales Specialist
Client Service Officer
Chief Executive

FAQs about Pam Gentile

What is the main profession of Pam Gentile?

Pam is a Vice President Business Development.

What jobs is Pam Gentile a professional at?

Pam is proficient at Executive and Vice President jobs.

Where does Pam Gentile live?

The expert lives in Columbus, Ohio.

How many companies did Pam Gentile work at?

The professional worked at one jobs.

Are there any professional industries Pam Gentile works in?

Pam Gentile works in Security And Investigations industry.