Kathy Dassler has been working as a Director in Lower Rio Grande Valley Regional Advisory Council On Trauma, Service Area V, Inc. Furthermore, Kathy Dassler has an employment history at one company in the related field. Currently, Kathy Dassler lives in None, None. You can search for the person's contacts. We can also provide you with detailed contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Katherine Dassler, Kathleen Dassler

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Operations Manager

FAQs about Kathy Dassler

What is the main profession of Kathy Dassler?

This professional's job is Director

What jobs is Kathy proficient at at?

The expert is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Director.

Where did Kathy Dassler work?

The professional worked at Lower Rio Grande Valley Regional Advisory Council On Trauma, Service Area V, Inc.