Kane Medley

Service Advisor

We found the following information about Kane Medley at Progressive Chrysler Jeep Dodge, where this expert has worked as a Service Advisor since 2018. Kane's total work experience is over 24 years, during which time the professional had at least four jobs at different places to develop skills. Kane attended school at the Nordonia High School from 1990 to 1994. This professional has professional certification as Aamco University Advanced Customer Service Manager Course and Customer Service Manager and this expert has studied English. Kane Medley can be found in Peoria, Arizona – where the professional currently lives. You can search for this person's email address and number. We can also provide you with detailed contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Kane Medley

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Last Update
Jul 6, 2022
Peoria, AZ


Progressive Chrysler Jeep Dodge
Service Advisor



Work History

Service Advisor

Massillon, OH
from Nov 2018

Auto Service Advisor

201 Gibraltar Rd, Horsham, PA 19044
Experience of 20 years plus. I started out as a technician, and have converted to management. My experience as a technician have made my job easier as far as advising customers of their serv...
Oct 2014 — Nov 2018

Auto Service Manager and Trainer

My responsibilities included New manager training, Scheduling, customer service, bay management, estimating service repairs, accounting, payroll management, customer follow up. Proper diagno...
Jun 1994 — Nov 2014


4401 Kent Rd, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44224


1990 — 1994


Sales Specialist
Client Service Officer
Health Specialist
Customer Service
Technical Specialist
Technical Support Specialists
Chief Executive


Customer Satisfaction
Transmission Systems
Oil Changes
Customer Service
Tires and Alignments
Customer Relationship Management
Customer Retention
Exhaust Repair
Electrical Wiring

FAQs about Kane Medley

What's the main profession of Kane Medley?

This professional's job is Service Advisor

What jobs is Kane a professional at?

Kane Medley is proficient at such jobs as Sales Specialist and Client Service Officer.

Where does Kane Medley currently live?

Kane Medley currently lives in Peoria, Arizona.

Where did Kane Medley work?

Kane Medley worked at Progressive Chrysler Jeep Dodge, Aamco Transmissions and Total Car Care.

Where has Kane Medley studied?

Kane studied at the Nordonia High School from 1990 to 1994.

What are the certifications of Kane Medley?

The professional received the following certifications: Aamco University Advanced Customer Service Manager Course and Customer Service Manager.

What languages does Kane Medley speak?

Kane Medley speaks English.

Are there any special industries, that Kane Medley is connected to?

This professional works in Automotive industry.