Jill Jackoniski

Driver Manager

Jill Jackoniski has been working as a Driver Manager at Art Pape Transfer since 2014. Furthermore, Jill Jackoniski has on-the-job experience at one company using similar skills. Jill has a total work experience of ten+ years. Jill can be found in Menominee, Illinois – where this professional is currently located. You can search for their contacts. We can also provide you with exhaustive contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Gillian Jackoniski, Julia Jackoniski

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
Menominee, IL


Art Pape Transfer
Driver Manager

Dubuque, IA


Transportation/Trucking/Railroad, Trucking Operator-Nonlocal, Other Specialized Trucking, Long-Distance

Work History

Driver Manager

1080 east 12Th St, Dubuque, IA 52001
from Feb 2014


Farmer and Animal Care
Operations Manager


Microsoft Office
Customer Service
Microsoft Excel
Strategic Planning
Microsoft Word
Event Planning
Team Building
Administrative Assistants
Project Management
Business Strategy
Public Speaking

FAQs about Jill Jackoniski

What's the profession of Jill Jackoniski?

This professional's job is Driver Manager

What are the profession of This professional?

These person's professions are Farmer and Animal Care and Driver

Where is Jill Jackoniski located?

Jill Jackoniski is located in Menominee, Illinois.

Where did Jill Jackoniski work?

Jill Jackoniski worked at Art Pape Transfer.

What is professional industry that Jill Jackoniski is connected to?

Jill Jackoniski works in Transportation/Trucking/Railroad industry.

Are there any professional skills Jill Jackoniski has?

This professional has the following skills: Microsoft Office, Customer Service, Microsoft Excel, Strategic Planning, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Outlook, Event Planning, Team Building, Management, and Budgets.