Jane Sullivan

Office Manager

Since 2012, Jane Sullivan has been working in Greenfield Manor 663, 663. This professional is a qualified Office Manager with over 28 years of work experience. According to Jane's CV and work profile, Jane Sullivan has worked at more than eight companies with diverse backgrounds and gained different skills. Jane attended school at the Westmar College. Jane Sullivan can be found in Stanzel, Iowa – where this professional is currently located. You can search for Jane's phone number and email. We can also provide you with additional contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Janie Sullivan, Janey Sullivan, Jenny Sullivan, Jennie Sullivan, Jen Sullivan, Janet Sullivan, Jane Sullivan

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
Stanzel, IA


Office Manager

Greenfield, IA


Nursing Home

Work History

Office Manager

Greenfield, IA
2012 — Jun 2012

Machine Operator

Creston, IA
2006 — 2012

Activity Director

Greenfield, IA
2005 — 2006

Accounts Payable Specialist/Inventory Control

Des Moines, IA
2003 — 2005


Greenfield, IA
2002 — 2006


Greenfield, IA
2000 — 2002

Program Assistant III

River Falls, WI
1987 — 2000

Office Manager


Bachelor of Science in Education/Psychology

Greenfield, IA
River Falls, WI
Missoula, MT

Horticulture Specialist

Wayne, NE


Office Assistant
Health Specialist
Wellness and Fitness
Office Clerk
Clerical Specialist

FAQs about Jane Sullivan

What's the profession of Jane Sullivan?

This professional's job is Office Manager

What jobs is Jane proficient at at?

The expert is a professional such jobs as Office Assistant.

Where does Jane Sullivan live?

The expert currently lives in Stanzel, Iowa.

Where did Jane Sullivan work?

Jane Sullivan worked at Greenfield Manor, Packer.

Where has Jane Sullivan studied?

Jane studied at the Westmar College.

Are there any professional industries, that Jane Sullivan is connected to?

Jane works in Health, Wellness And Fitness industry.