James Mcclatchey

Vice President

We found the following information about James Mcclatchey at Southern Aluminum Finishing Co, Inc., where this expert has worked as a Vice President since 1973. James's total work experience is over 45 years, during which time they had at least three jobs at different places to develop skills. James studied at the University of Wisconsin - Madison from 1971 to 1972. James Mcclatchey currently is located in Atlanta, Georgia. You can contact with James by looking for phone number or email or get exhaustive info by requesting access to the person's additional details from us.
Name variants:
Jaymes Mcclatchey, Jaimes Mcclatchey, Jim Mcclatchey, Jimmy Mcclatchey, Jimmie Mcclatchey, Jamie Mcclatchey, Jem Mcclatchey

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 12, 2022
jn**@saf.com, mc**@saf.com
Atlanta, GA


Southern Aluminum Finishing Co, Inc.
Vice President

Atlanta, GA


Construction, Painting/Paper Hanging Contractor, Other Aluminum Rolling & Drawing

Work History

Vice President

1581 Huber St northwest, Atlanta, GA 30318
Jan 1, 1973 — Jan 2018


PO Box 1612, Albany, GA 31702


1581 Huber St NW, Atlanta, GA 30318



Vice President
Chief Executive


Continuous Improvement
Sales Management
Strategic Planning
Operations Management

FAQs about James Mcclatchey

What's the main profession of James Mcclatchey?

James is a Vice President.

What jobs is James Mcclatchey a professional at?

The expert is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Vice President.

Where is James Mcclatchey located?

James Mcclatchey is located in Atlanta, Georgia.

Does the expert have the email address?

jn**@saf.com and mc**@saf.com is The professional's email address.

Where did James Mcclatchey work?

The professional worked at Southern Aluminum Finishing Co, Inc., ACF STAKEHOLDERS INC.

Where has James Mcclatchey studied?

James studied at the University of Wisconsin - Madison from 1971 to 1972.

What are the skills of James Mcclatchey?

This person has skills in the following areas: Continuous Improvement, Sales Management, Manufacturing, Strategic Planning, and Operations Management.