Iya C Afan

Asia-Pacific Inside Sales Manager, Talent and Learning Solutions

We found the following information about Iya C Afan at Linkedin, where the professional has worked as a Asia-Pacific Inside Sales Manager, Talent and Learning Solutions since 2020. Iya's total work experience is over ten years, during which time Iya C Afan had at least five jobs at different companies to develop skills. Iya studied at the Université Paris - Sorbonne from 2005 to 2005. This expert has the certification in General Business Management Iya C Afan is experienced in French. Iya C Afan currently is located in San Francisco, California. You can contact with Iya by looking for phone number or email or get additional information by requesting access to this person's further details from us.
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Iya Afan

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 10, 2022
San Francisco, CA


Asia-Pacific Inside Sales Manager, Talent and Learning Solutions

Mountain View, CA


Internet, Internet Host Services, Professional Network Online, Telephone Communications, Computer Integrated Systems Design, Computer Repair, Wired Telecommunications Carriers

Work History

Asia-Pacific Inside Sales Manager, Talent and Learning Solutions

1000 west Maude Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
from Feb 2020

Account Executive

1125 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103
Our team has created a hiring application that recruiters, managers and candidates enjoy using. When we build, we do so in a design-driven way: we value beauty and elegance on the backend ju...
Oct 2014 — Dec 2016

Account Executive, Corporate Sales

44 Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94104
Joined ClearSlide pre-acquisition during its phase of hypergrowth and development as the first sales engagement platform on the market in 2012. Gained a wealth of SaaS startup knowledge & ex...
Dec 2012 — Jun 2014

Account Executive - Robert Half Legal

2884 Sand Hill Rd SUITE 200, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Project Fulfillment Account Executive | Robert Half Legal eDiscovery Services As the first Robert Half employee to take on this role for San Francisco, this position provided the opportunity...
Oct 2010 — Nov 2012

Paralegal and Legal Assistant

405 Howard St, San Francisco, CA 94105
Legal Administrator | Calendaring & Court Services My second position with Orrick, I developed a comprehensive knowledge of litigation support, case law research and case management. I par...
Aug 2006 — Oct 2010


Sales Manager
Sales Director
Sales Specialist
Account Service Manager
Founding Member
Client Service Officer
Customer Service
Chief Executive


Business Development
Building Relationships
Cold Calling
Project Management
Sales Process
Start Up Environment
Corporate Sales Presentations
Lead Generation
Strategic Planning
C Suite Selling
Team Building
Outside Sales
Sales Presentations
Early Adopter
Software As A Service
Value Selling
Relationship Building
Employer Branding
Social Media Marketing
Social Recruiting
Recruitment Advertising
Social Marketing
Social Media Communications
Linkedin Advertising
Digital Literacy
Interpersonal Communication

FAQs about Iya C Afan

What is the main profession of Iya C Afan?

The expert is a Asia-Pacific Inside Sales Manager, Talent and Learning Solutions.

What jobs is Iya a professional at?

Iya C Afan is a professional such jobs as Executive and Sales Manager.

Where is Iya C Afan currently located?

Iya is located in San Francisco, California.

What is Iya C Afan's email?

Iya's email is ma**@lever.co.

How many companies did Iya C Afan work at?

Iya C Afan worked at five jobs.

What education does Iya C Afan have?

Iya studied at the Université Paris - Sorbonne from 2005 to 2005.

Are there any professional certifications Iya C Afan has?

Iya received the following certifications: General Business Management.

What languages does Iya C Afan speak?

Iya C Afan speaks French.