Hansi Kartak


Hansi Kartak has been working as a Artist at 3D Vision since 1965. Furthermore, Hansi Kartak has on-the-job experience at one company in the related field. Hansi has a total work experience of 59+ years. Hansi Kartak studied at the Music and Art High School from 1981 to 1984. Hansi Kartak can be found in Staten Island, New York – where this professional is currently located. You can search for their phone and email. We can also provide you with detailed contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Hansi Kartak

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 23, 2022
Staten Island, NY


3D Vision

Broomfield, CO


Health, Wellness and Fitness

Work History


Broomfield, CO
from 1965




FAQs about Hansi Kartak

What is the profession of Hansi Kartak?

This professional's job is Artist

What are the main profession of Hansi?

These person's professions are Artist

Where does Hansi Kartak live?

Staten Island, New York is the place where Hansi Kartak currently lives

How many companies did Hansi Kartak work at?

Hansi Kartak worked at one jobs.

Where has Hansi Kartak studied?

Hansi studied at the Music and Art High School from 1981 to 1984.

What is professional industry that Hansi Kartak worked in?

Hansi Kartak works in Fine Art industry.