Galina Seabrook

Business Development Manager, Oak Division

We found the following information about Galina Seabrook at G3 Enterprises, where Galina Seabrook has worked as a Business Development Manager, Oak Division since 2019. Galina's total work experience is over 30 years, during which time the professional had at least five jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Galina Seabrook currently is located in Schellville, California. You can contact with Galina by searching for phone or email or get exhaustive information by requesting access to Galina Seabrook's further details from Connexy.
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Galina Seabrook

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 10, 2022
Schellville, CA


Business Development Manager, Oak Division

Milwaukee, WI


Business Services

Work History

Business Development Manager, Oak Division

502 east Whitmore Ave, Modesto, CA 95358
This position is responsible for developing marketing plans and implementing company's oak sales programs works closely with and provides technical support to company's sales team provide...
from Jan 2019

Oak Infusion Specialist, Winemaker, Sales

21660 8Th St east SUITE B, Sonoma, CA 95476
In 1979 Innerstave was the first new oak barrel alternative provider available to winemakers.The company was created by one simple idea; build a system to replenish premium wine oak barrel f...
May 2008 — Jan 2019

Research Enologist and Regional Manager and Senior Winemaker

Trained Micro-oxygenation and related techniques consultant, MOx equipment sales and maintenance for Oenodev's USA micro-oxygenation distributor Vinovation from 2000-2004; Established and ma...
Jan 2000 — Apr 2008

Assistant Winemaker

5007 Fulton Rd, Fulton, CA 95439
Internship through International Exchange Program; Assistant Winemaker at Edmeades Estate in Philo, Mendocino County.
Aug 1997 — Dec 1999

Winemaker, Senior Winemaker

All aspects of winemaking - premium white, rose and blush wines. Bottling line supervisor.
Sep 1987 — Oct 1996


1993 — 1996
1995 — 1996


Business Development Manager
IT Professional
Technical Support Specialist
Farmer and Animal Care
Government Official
Operations Manager
Systems Support Specialist
Support Specialists
Vineyard Tender
Government Service Executive
Chief Executive


Wine Tasting
Alcoholic Beverages
Sales Operations
Sensory Evaluation
Inventory Management
Beverage Industry
Microsoft Excel

FAQs about Galina Seabrook

What's the profession of Galina Seabrook?

This professional's job is Business Development Manager, Oak Division

What are the main profession of Galina?

These person's professions are Executive and Business Development Manager

Where is Galina Seabrook currently located?

Galina is currently located in Schellville, California.

What is the professional's email?

The expert's email is ga**

How many companies did Galina Seabrook work at?

Galina Seabrook worked at five jobs.

What education does Galina Seabrook have?

Galina studied at the from 1993 to 1996.

What languages does Galina Seabrook speak?

Galina Seabrook speaks English, Bulgarian, Russian, and French.

Are there any special industries, that Galina Seabrook is connected to?

Galina Seabrook works in Food Production industry.