Elisa Romo

Marketing Director

We found the following information about Elisa Romo at Peterson Reporting, where this professional has worked as a Production Manager since 2002. Elisa's total work experience is over 16 years, during which time they had at least two jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Elisa studied at the Cri Career Training from 1997 to 2003. Elisa Romo currently is located in San Diego, California. You can contact with Elisa by searching for phone or email or get additional information by requesting access to Elisa Romo's further details from us.
Name variants:
Eliza Romo, Elisia Romo, Elissa Romo, Elise Romo, Elyse Romo, Elsa Romo, Elsie Romo, Lisa Romo

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 10, 2022
San Diego, CA


Peterson Reporting
Production Manager


Legal Services

Work History

Production Manager

San Diego, CA
As Production Manager I was responsible for the creation and distribution of court and deposition transcripts. I helped and assisted court reporters, secretaries, paralegals and attorneys wi...
Jun 2002 — Jan 2018

Marketing Director

16650 Westgrove Dr SUITE 500, Addison, TX 75001
At PHP we are bringing back life to the insurance industry. By giving our agents access to our network of providers, we are able to make a difference for families nationwide. We understand t...
from Jan 2018



Marketing Director
Production Manager
Production Director
Finance and Accounting Specialist
IT Professional
PHP Developer
Health Specialist
Certified Nurse Aide
Chief Executive
Tour Guide
Accounting Bookkeeper
Software Developer
Software Developers
Nurse Practitioner

FAQs about Elisa Romo

What's the main profession of Elisa Romo?

This professional's job is Marketing Director

What jobs is Elisa Romo a professional at?

The expert is a professional Executive and Marketing Director jobs.

Where does Elisa Romo live?

San Diego, California is the place where Elisa Romo currently lives

Where did Elisa Romo work?

Elisa Romo worked at Peterson Reporting, Php Agency, Inc..

Where has Elisa Romo studied?

Elisa studied at the Cri Career Training from 1997 to 2003.

Are there any special industries Elisa Romo is connected to?

This person works in Financial Services industry.