Debi Comber

Office Manager

Debi Comber has been a Office Manager at Foote Printing Inc. since 2014. Moreover, this person has an employment history at more than two companies in the related field. Debi has a total work experience of eight+ years. They have the following certificates: Arc, Clia (Cruise Lines International Association), Microsoft, Certified Arc Specialist, and Master Cruise Counselor. Elyria, Ohio is the place where Debi Comber presently lives. You can contact with Debi by searching for phone or email address or get further information by requesting access to the professional's details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Debi Comber

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 4, 2022
Elyria, OH


Foote Printing Inc.
Office Manager

Cleveland, OH


Printing, Lithographic Commercial Printing Commercial Printing, Copies

Work History

Office Manager

2800 east 55Th St, Cleveland, OH 44104
from Jul 2014

Incentive Group Travel Coordinator

18500 Lake Rd SUITE 120, Cleveland, OH 44116
2005 — 2013


2013 — 2014


Office Assistant
Office Clerk
Clerical Specialist


Administrative Assistant
Office Management
Social Media
Microsoft Office
Account Management

FAQs about Debi Comber

What's the main profession of Debi Comber?

Debi is a Office Manager.

What jobs is Debi Comber a professional at?

The expert is proficient at Office Assistant jobs.

Where does Debi Comber currently live?

The professional lives in Elyria, Ohio.

How many companies did Debi Comber work at?

The professional worked at two jobs.

What education does Debi Comber have?

Debi studied at the from 2013 to 2014.

Are there any professional certifications, that Debi Comber has?

The professional received the following certifications: Arc, Clia (Cruise Lines International Association), Microsoft, Certified Arc Specialist, and Master Cruise Counselor.

Are there any industries, that Debi Comber works in?

Debi works in Hospitality industry.

What are professional skills of Debi Comber?

Debi Comber has such skills as Administrative Assistant, Office Management, Bookkeeping/Accounting, Social Media, Microsoft Office, Marketing, and Account Management.