David Stearns

Vice President

We found the following information about David Stearns at Rabin Martin, where David Stearns has worked as a Vice President since 2013. David's total work experience is over 16 years, during which time David Stearns had at least eight jobs at different companies to develop skills. David studied at the George Washington University from 1992 to 1995. Currently, David lives in Bohemia, New York. You can contact with David by looking for phone or email address or find full information by requesting access to this person's additional details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Daved Stearns, Dayvid Stearns, Dave Stearns, Davey Stearns, Davie Stearns, Davy Stearns

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 11, 2022
ds**@bteam.org, by**@dell.com, re**@aol.com
Bohemia, NY


Rabin Martin
Vice President

New York, NY


Management Consulting

Work History

Vice President

New York City
from Jan 2013

Vice President, Business + Social Purpose

Vice President in the Business + Social Purpose practice at Edelman, developing strategic communications, stakeholder engagement, executive positioning and media relations campaigns for corp...
Sep 2010 — Dec 2012

Communications and External Affairs Manager

Led the development and implementation of the organization’s external communications, delivering targeted messages and story lines highlighting private sector action against global epidemics...
Nov 2006 — Sep 2010

Vice President

Oct 2000 — Oct 2006

Community Outreach Director

Brooklyn, NY
Sep 1999 — Oct 2000

Field Organizer/Media Coordinator

Jan 1997 — Jan 1998

Senior Program Officer

Based in Lusaka, Zambia and Cape Town, South Africa
Jan 1995 — Jan 1997

Senior Account Executive

171 Madison Avenue, 12, New York, NY 10016



Chief Communications Officer
Vice President
Sales Specialist
Client Service Officer
Chief Executive
Customer Service


Strategic Communications
Corporate Social Responsibility
Media Relations
Public Relations
International Development
Message Development
Global Health
Marketing Communications
Corporate Communications
Stakeholder Engagement
Social Media
Community Outreach
Crisis Communications
Strategic Communications Counsel
Press Releases
Public Policy
Community Development
Digital Media
Executive Visibility
Thought Leadership
Reputation Management
Public Affairs
Integrated Marketing
Competitive Landscape Analysis
Internal Communications
New Business Development
Crisis Management

FAQs about David Stearns

What's the profession of David Stearns?

This professional's job is Vice President

What jobs is David Stearns proficient at at?

David is a professional Executive and Chief Communications Officer jobs.

Where is David Stearns located?

David is currently located in Bohemia, New York.

What is David's email?

The expert's email is ds**@bteam.org and by**@dell.com.

Where did David Stearns work?

David Stearns worked at Rabin Martin, Edelman.

What education does David Stearns have?

David studied at the George Washington University from 1992 to 1995.

What languages does David Stearns speak?

David Stearns speaks English.

What is the industry that David Stearns worked in?

David Stearns works in Management Consulting industry.