Anne Lynch

Executive Director, Director

We found the following information about Anne Lynch at Center for Grieving Children, where Anne Lynch has worked as a Executive Director, Director. Anne's total work experience is over zero years, during which time Anne had a job at one company to develop skills. Anne studied at the University College Dublin. Anne Lynch received the following certifications: Bachelor In Commerce From Ucd Ireland and A Diploma In Education and University College Dublin (Ucd). Anne Lynch currently lives in Portland, Maine. You can contact with Anne by searching for phone or email or get exhaustive info by requesting access to Anne's further details from us.
Name variants:
Anna Lynch, Hannah Lynch, Susan Lynch

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 13, 2022
ly**, an**
Portland, ME


Executive Director, Director

Portland, ME


Individual/Family Services

Work History

Executive Director, Director

49 York St, Portland, ME 04101


Chief Executive Officer
Organization Management
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive
Operations Manager


Board Development
Non Profits
Volunteer Management
Program Development
Non Profit Administration
Annual Giving
Grant Writing
Community Outreach
Social Services
Community Development
Volunteer Recruiting
Program Evaluation
Public Speaking
Strategic Planning
Nonprofit Organizations

FAQs about Anne Lynch

What's the main profession of Anne Lynch?

This professional's job is Executive Director, Director

What jobs is Anne Lynch a professional at?

Anne Lynch is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Chief Executive Officer.

Where does Anne Lynch live?

Portland, Maine is the place where Anne Lynch lives

What is Anne Lynch's email?

Anne Lynch's email is ly** and an**

Where did Anne Lynch work?

This professional worked at Center for Grieving Children.

Where has Anne Lynch studied?

Anne studied at the University College Dublin.

Are there any certifications Anne Lynch has?

The professional received the following certifications: Bachelor In Commerce From Ucd Ireland and A Diploma In Education and University College Dublin (Ucd).

Are there any industries Anne Lynch works in?

Anne Lynch works in Non-Profit Organization Management industry.