Decision Makers

Director Of Sales
They oversee daily business operations, improve overall business functions, manage budgets, develop strategic plans, create policies and business goals. E-mail: d****, is available on Connexy.
Senior Account Executive
Erin Essman is in control of making valuable choices. E-mail: e****, is available on Connexy.
News Director
This News Director is responsible for making strategically important decisions for Kwch 12 (Sunflower Broadcasting, Inc.). E-mail: c****, is available on Connexy.
Sales Manager
They ensure that their assigned department, store, or district is adequately staffed and equipped, that quality and service standards are met, that revenue and market share is increased and that the business meets its objectives. E-mail: k****, is available on Connexy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
2815 E 37Th St N, Wichita, KS 67219
Broadcast Media
Number of Employee
51-200 employees
516 - Broadcasting and Content Providers

FAQs about decision-makers at KWCH 12 (Sunflower Broadcasting, Inc.)

What is the current location of the Kwch 12 (Sunflower Broadcasting, Inc.)?

The company Kwch 12 (Sunflower Broadcasting, Inc.) is located in Wichita, Kansas.

What's the industry affiliated with Kwch 12 (Sunflower Broadcasting, Inc.)?

The industry in which Kwch 12 (Sunflower Broadcasting, Inc.) operates is Broadcast Media.

Who are the decision-makers in Kwch 12 (Sunflower Broadcasting, Inc.)?

The decision-makers of this company are Erin Essman, David J Herrmann etc.

What are the professions of the main decision-makers in Kwch 12 (Sunflower Broadcasting, Inc.)?

The specialties of the company decision-makers are Director of Sales or Senior Account Executive etc.