Ken Clifford

Sales Manager

With work experience over zero years, this professional is currently working at Kwch 12 (Sunflower Broadcasting, Inc.) which is located in 507 as a Sales Manager. This professional is located in Wichita, Kansas. To contact Ken, you can look for their phone number or e-mail address or find exhaustive info by requesting access to the person's further details through Connexy.
Name variants:
Kendall Clifford, Kendrick Clifford, Kenneth Clifford, Kent Clifford

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
Wichita, KS


KWCH 12 (Sunflower Broadcasting, Inc.)
Sales Manager

Wichita, KS


Broadcast Media

Work History

Sales Manager

2815 east 37Th St north, Wichita, KS 67219


2815 E 37 St N, Wichita, KS 67219


Sales Manager
Sales Director

FAQs about Ken Clifford

What is the main profession of Ken Clifford?

Ken is a Sales Manager.

What jobs is Ken Clifford proficient at at?

Ken is a professional Executive and Sales Manager jobs.

Where is Ken Clifford currently located?

Ken is currently located in Wichita, Kansas.

What is Ken Clifford's email?

The professional's email is kc**

How many companies did Ken Clifford work at?

Ken Clifford worked at two jobs.

What is the industry that Ken Clifford worked in?

Ken works in Broadcast Media industry.