Decision Makers

Vice President Sales
John Konynenbelt is in control of making strategically important decisions. E-mail: j****, Phone: (***) ***-9937 is available on Connexy.
Vice President Of Service Operations
This Vice President of Service Operations is responsible for choosing valuable development path for Applied Imaging. E-mail: j****, Phone: (***) ***-5200 is available on Connexy.
Administrative Manager - Lansing Location
Elizabeth Lively is in control of choosing strategically essential development path. E-mail: e****, Phone: (***) ***-9937 is available on Connexy.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
Doing business as
A I' S
A I’ S
Applied Imaging
5282 E Paris Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49512
(***) ***-5200
(***) ***-9937
Business Supplies and Equipment
Computer Related Services
Whol Office Equipment Electrical Repair
Copiers & Copier Supplies
Business Services
Copying & Duplicating Services
Electric & Electronic Equipment & Supplies
Document Management
Content Management
Managed Print Services
Document Output Devices
Number of Employee
201-500 employees
811 - Repair and Maintenance

FAQs about decision-makers at Applied Imaging

What address or location can the company be found in?

The company Applied Imaging address is in Grand Rapids, Michigan state.

What are the industries connected with Applied Imaging?

The industries connected with the company Applied Imaging are Business Supplies and Equipment, Computer Related Services, and Whol Office Equipment Electrical Repair.

How can man connect with the Applied Imaging?

The phones of the company Applied Imaging decision-makers are (***) ***-5200, (***) ***-9937 etc.

What are the names of the main decision-makers in Applied Imaging?

The decision-makers of the company are Joseph Green, John Konynenbelt etc.

What are the professions of the main decision-makers in Applied Imaging?

The professions of the company decision-makers are Vice President Sales or Vice President of Service Operations etc.

What is the alias of Applied Imaging?

The alias for the company Applied Imaging is LOWERY CORPORATION.

What are the fields for Applied Imaging?

The special fields for Applied Imaging are Document Management, Content Management, Managed Print Services, Document Output Devices, and Ricoh

Are there any known categories for Applied Imaging?

The categories for Applied Imaging are Copiers & Copier Supplies, Business Services, Copying & Duplicating Services, Electric & Electronic Equipment & Supplies, and Fax Software Equipment & Supplies