Applied Imaging

Applied Imaging

Grand Rapids, MI

We have found information with phone and email addresses about the company Applied Imaging, based in 5282 E Paris Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49512, MI. The company works in the Business Supplies and Equipment industry. This business is connected with these specialties: Document Management, Content Management, Managed Print Services, Document Output Devices, and Ricoh. Phone numbers, email addresses and other contact information for the company and Secretary Sandra Lowery can be found on our website.

Company Details

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
Doing business as
A I' S
A I’ S
Applied Imaging
5282 E Paris Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49512
(***) ***-5200
(***) ***-9937
Business Supplies and Equipment
Computer Related Services
Whol Office Equipment Electrical Repair
Copiers & Copier Supplies
Business Services
Copying & Duplicating Services
Electric & Electronic Equipment & Supplies
Document Management
Content Management
Managed Print Services
Document Output Devices
Number of Employee
201-500 employees
811 - Repair and Maintenance

Decision Makers

Vice President Sales
Vice President Of Service Operations


Director I Production Print
Print Production Specialist
Grand Rapids Connectivity Manager
Sales Manager Major And Named Accounts
Support Desk Manager
Director Of Equipment Finance Services
Sales Manager
Digital Marketing Manager
Ems Territory Manager
Production Specialist

FAQs about Applied Imaging

In which industries does Applied Imaging operate?

Industries for Applied Imaging are Business Supplies and Equipment, Computer Related Services, and Whol Office Equipment Electrical Repair.

Who works in Applied Imaging in the position of Secretary?

The Secretary in Applied Imaging is Sandra Lowery.

What is the specialization of Applied Imaging?

The specialties for Applied Imaging are Document Management, Content Management, Managed Print Services, Document Output Devices, and Ricoh

Are there any categories for Applied Imaging?

The company is associated with the categories, such as: Copiers & Copier Supplies, Business Services, Copying & Duplicating Services, Electric & Electronic Equipment & Supplies, and Fax Software Equipment & Supplies.

What are the phones of professionals connected with Applied Imaging?

The official phones of professionals, connected with Applied Imaging may be in this list: (***) ***-5200, (***) ***-9937. For any additional information, contact us.

When was Applied Imaging founded?

It was founded on 1987.

In what address or location can the company be found nowadays?

Applied Imaging is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

What is the other name of Applied Imaging?

The alias for Applied Imaging is LOWERY CORPORATION.