Wendy Alajko

General Accountant

Wendy Alajko has been working in Manitoba Corporation located 2583, 2583. Wendy Alajko is a proficient General Accountant at Manitoba Corporation with over zero years of work experience. According to Wendy's resume and work profile, the professional has worked at one place with numerous backgrounds and got various skills. Cheektowaga, New York is the place where this person currently lives. You can search for this expert's email address and number. We can also provide you with exhaustive contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Gwendolen Alajko

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 30, 2022
wa**@manitobacorp.com, ho**@hotmail.com
Cheektowaga, NY


Manitoba Corporation
General Accountant at Manitoba Corporation

Lancaster, NY


Mining & Metals

Work History

General Accountant at Manitoba Corporation

122-130 Central Ave #p/o box 385, Lancaster, NY 14086
Manitoba Corporation is a major processor of any and all types of non-ferrous scrap metals.We operate shears, chopping lines, briquettors, wire burning incinerators, small arms ammunition po...


Sales Specialist
Equipment Tools Purchasing Agent
Health Specialist
Certified Nurse Aide
Department Store Salesperson
Retail Salesperson
Nurse Practitioner


Microsoft Office

FAQs about Wendy Alajko

What is the profession of Wendy Alajko?

This professional's job is General Accountant

What jobs is Wendy Alajko proficient at at?

Wendy Alajko is proficient at such jobs as Sales Specialist and Equipment Tools Purchasing Agent.

Where does Wendy Alajko live?

The expert currently lives in Cheektowaga, New York.

Does the expert have the email address?

wa**@manitobacorp.com and ho**@hotmail.com is Wendy Alajko's email address.

Where did Wendy Alajko work?

Wendy worked at Manitoba Corporation.

What is the industry that Wendy Alajko is connected to?

This professional works in Mining & Metals industry.

Are there any special skills Wendy Alajko has?

This professional has skills in the following areas: Microsoft Office.