Wayne Wilson

Southern Sales Manager at Associated Bag

We found the following information about Wayne Wilson at Associated Bag Company, where the professional has worked as a Southern Sales Manager at Associated Bag since 2014. Wayne's total work experience is over 21 years, during which time they had at least two jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Wayne attended school at the The University of Texas at Arlington from 1979 to 1983. Wayne can be found in Dallas, Texas – where this professional currently lives. You can search for this person's email address and phone number. We can also provide you additional contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Wayne Wilson

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 14, 2022
wa**@associatedbag.com, wa**@att.net
Dallas, TX


Associated Bag Company
Southern Sales Manager at Associated Bag


Packaging and Containers

Work History

Southern Sales Manager at Associated Bag

400 west Boden St, Milwaukee, WI 53207
Managing existing accounts (account analysis and negotiation), prospecting for new business opportunities, following up on leads generated from corporate office. Utilize "On Contact" CRM by ...
from Sep 2014

National Distributor Sales

Maintained existing distributor and direct sell relationships, while prospecting for new relationships in uncovered territories across the continental U.S. (Grew the sector YOY for the time ...
Sep 1993 — Aug 2014



Sales Manager
Sales Director
Bachelor of Agriculture
Sales Specialist
Equipment Tools Purchasing Agent
Department Store Salesperson
Retail Salesperson


Sales Management
New Business Development
Key Account Management
Customer Service
Account Management
Sales Operations
Sales Presentations
Marketing Strategy
Contract Negotiation
Direct Sales
Trade Shows
Business Development
Business To Business
Pricing Strategy
Marketing Management

FAQs about Wayne Wilson

What is the main profession of Wayne Wilson?

The expert is a Southern Sales Manager at Associated Bag.

What jobs is Wayne proficient at at?

Wayne is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Sales Manager.

Where does Wayne Wilson currently live?

Dallas, Texas is the place where Wayne Wilson currently lives

What is the professional's email?

The professional's email is wa**@associatedbag.com and wa**@att.net.

How many companies did Wayne Wilson work at?

The professional worked at two jobs.

What education does Wayne Wilson have?

Wayne studied at the University of Texas at Arlington from 1979 to 1983.

What is the industry that Wayne Wilson worked in?

This person works in Packaging And Containers industry.

Are there any special skills Wayne Wilson has?

Wayne has skills in the following areas: Sales Management, New Business Development, Key Account Management, Negotiation, B2B, Customer Service, Account Management, Sales Operations, and Purchasing.