Vivian Dias

Business Development Manager, Aerospace and Commercial Transportation

We found the following information about Vivian Dias at Aearo Technologies, where the professional has worked as a Business Development Manager, Aerospace and Commercial Transportation since 2014. Vivian's total work experience is over 14 years, during which time this person had at least three jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Vivian studied at the Brigham Young University from 1998 to 2000. Currently, Vivian Dias is located in Vancouver, Washington. You can contact with Vivian by looking for phone or email or get additional information by requesting access to this professional's additional details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Vivien Dias, Viv Dias

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
Vancouver, WA


Business Development Manager, Aerospace and Commercial Transportation


Consumer Goods

Work History

Business Development Manager, Aerospace and Commercial Transportation

from Sep 2014

Key Account Manager

Jul 2005 — Aug 2014

Senior Applications Engineer

Aug 2000 — Jul 2005


Business Development Manager
Account Manager
Operations Manager


New Business Development
Six Sigma
Product Management
Supply Chain
Sales Management
Product Development
Business Development
Cross Functional Team Leadership
Supply Chain Management
Project Management
Program Management
Process Improvement
Change Management
Team Management
Continuous Improvement

FAQs about Vivian Dias

What's the main profession of Vivian Dias?

Vivian is a Business Development Manager, Aerospace and Commercial Transportation.

What jobs is Vivian Dias proficient at at?

Vivian Dias is proficient at Executive and Business Development Manager jobs.

Where does Vivian Dias currently live?

Vivian Dias currently lives in Vancouver, Washington.

What is the expert's email?

The expert's email is vi**

Where did Vivian Dias work?

Vivian Dias worked at Aearo Technologies, Aearo Technologies.

Where has Vivian Dias studied?

Vivian studied at the Brigham Young University from 1998 to 2000.

Are there any special industries Vivian Dias works in?

Vivian works in Transportation/Trucking/Railroad industry.

What are professional skills of Vivian Dias?

Vivian Dias has skills in the following areas: Automotive, Manufacturing, New Business Development, Six Sigma, Product Management, Supply Chain, Sales Management, Procurement, and Product Development.