Vanessa Bertoline

Vanessa Bertoline

Operations Manager,LLC.

We found the following information about Vanessa Bertoline at Hoosier AM/FM, where Vanessa has worked as a Operations Manager - WBAT/WCJC/WMRI/WXXC since 2004. Vanessa's total work experience is over nine years, during which time this professional had at least four jobs at different places to develop skills. Vanessa studied at the Manchester College from 1991 to 1995. Vanessa currently is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. You can contact with Vanessa by searching for phone number or email address or find further info by requesting access to this expert's additional details.
Name variants:
Van Bertoline, Vannie Bertoline, Vanna Bertoline, Nessa Bertoline, Essa Bertoline

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jan 29, 2016
Indianapolis, IN


Operations Manager - WBAT/WCJC/WMRI/WXXC


Broadcast Media

Work History

Operations Manager - WBAT/WCJC/WMRI/WXXC

Marion, IN
My responsibilities include all on-air programming and content on WBAT/WCJC/WMRI/WXXC, oversight of continuity and production, training and developing talent, compliance, and computer system...
from Mar 2004

News Director/Sales Representative

Daily responsibilities included gathering news, live newscasts in the morning show, producing weekly news program, recording commercials, promotional appearances, remote broadcasts, creating...
Mar 2002 — Mar 2004

Operations Manager

Was directly involved in the development of Oldies 106. Daily responsibilities included computer system maintenance, scheduling, daily radio show, training and managing air talent, writing c...
Jul 1998 — Mar 2002

On Air Personality

On-air talent on WBAT & WCJC. Daily duties included creating promotional messages and commercials, promotional appearances, and remote broadcasts.
Apr 1995 — Jul 1998



Operations Manager
Director of Operations
Sales Specialist
Sales Representative
Sales Agent
Customer Service
Client Service Officer


Social Media
Event Planning
Music Scheduling
Radio Broadcasting
Radio Producing
Adobe Audition
Voice Over
Voice Acting
Radio Programming
Radio Host

FAQs about Vanessa Bertoline

What is the main profession of Vanessa Bertoline?

The expert is a Operations Manager,LLC..

What jobs is Vanessa Bertoline proficient at at?

The expert is proficient at Executive and Operations Manager jobs.

Where does Vanessa Bertoline currently live?

Indianapolis, Indiana is the place where Vanessa Bertoline lives

How many companies did Vanessa Bertoline work at?

The professional worked at four jobs.

Does Vanessa Bertoline have personal webpage or blog?

The expert`s website is

Where has Vanessa Bertoline studied?

Vanessa studied at the Manchester College from 1991 to 1995.

What is professional industry that Vanessa Bertoline is connected to?

Vanessa Bertoline works in Broadcast Media industry.

What are special skills of Vanessa Bertoline?

Vanessa has such skills as Copywriting, Social Media, Event Planning, Music Scheduling, Management, Radio, Radio Broadcasting, Radio Producing, Broadcast, Adobe Audition, and Voice Over.