Vanessa Ashenfelter

Health Care Director

With work experience over zero years, this professional is currently working at Monroe County Nursing Home District that is located in 1255 as a Health Care Director. This person can be found in Strother, Missouri. To contact directly with Vanessa, you can search for their phone number or e-mail address or receive additional information by requesting access to this professional's additional details on this webpage.
Name variants:
Van Ashenfelter, Vannie Ashenfelter, Vanna Ashenfelter, Nessa Ashenfelter, Essa Ashenfelter

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Contact Information

Last Update
Sep 9, 2015
Strother, MO


Health Care Director

Paris, MO


Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing Care Facility

Work History

Health Care Director

200 S St, Strother, MO 65275


Operations Manager

FAQs about Vanessa Ashenfelter

What is the main profession of Vanessa Ashenfelter?

This professional's job is Health Care Director

What are the profession of Vanessa?

These person's professions are Executive and Director

Where is Vanessa Ashenfelter located?

The expert is currently located in Strother, Missouri.

How many companies did Vanessa Ashenfelter work at?

The professional worked at one jobs.