Tracy Adams

Lens Marketing Manager

We found the following information about Tracy Adams at Walman Optical, where Tracy has worked as a Lens Marketing Manager since 2008. Tracy's total work experience is over seven years, during which time they had at least two jobs at different places to develop skills. Tracy attended school at the Minnesota State University, Mankato from 2001 to 2005. Tracy Adams can be found in Minneapolis, Minnesota – where this expert is currently located. You can search for this expert's email address and phone number. We can also provide you with additional contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Tracey Adams, Tracie Adams, Traci Adams

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Minneapolis, MN


Lens Marketing Manager

Duluth, GA


Medical Devices

Work History

Lens Marketing Manager

As a Lens Marketing Manager at Walman Optical, key responsibilities include: 1. Pricing all lens products and maintaining acceptable gross margin levels to enhance profitability and corporat...
from Jul 2008


Feb 1999 — Oct 2006



Marketing Manager
Marketing Administrator
Customer Service
Sales Specialist
Client Service Officer
Services Professional
Sales Representative


ABO Certified Speaker
Training and Educational Services
Increased Profitability
Proven Sales Success
Proven Marketing Success
Analysis of ROI
Analysis and forcasting by territory and representative.
Sales Operations

FAQs about Tracy Adams

What's the main profession of Tracy Adams?

The expert is a Lens Marketing Manager.

What jobs is Tracy Adams proficient at at?

Tracy is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Marketing Manager.

Where does Tracy Adams live?

The professional lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

How many companies did Tracy Adams work at?

The professional worked at two jobs.

Does Tracy Adams have personal website or blog?

This professional`s website is

Where has Tracy Adams studied?

Tracy studied at the Minnesota State University, Mankato from 2001 to 2005.

Are there any awards Tracy Adams received?

This professional received awards and these awards are: Robert C. Morrow Award- 2011.

What is the industry that Tracy Adams is connected to?

Tracy works in Wholesale industry.