With work experience over 34 years, Tony Koehler is nowadays working at Camp Point Mutual Insurance Company situated in 1639 as a Manager. Tony received his education from 1980 to 1984 at the Truman State University. This professional can be found in Davenport, Iowa. To contact directly with Tony, you can look for their phone or e-mail address or receive full info by requesting access to this person's further details on Connexy.
Name variants:
Anthony Koehler, Shelton Koehler, Antoinette Koehler, Antonia Koehler

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Davenport, IA



Camp Point, IL


Insurance Agent/Broker

Work History


Camp Point, IL
from Sep 2011

Independent Associate

Prepaid Legal Services fits in directly with the philosophy of Independent Insurance Agents...we LOVE to help people. We insure our cars, our homes, our lives, and our health, but prior to P...
from 2005


Oct 2004 — Aug 2011

Sales Manager

May 1984 — Aug 2011


1980 — 1984


Supporting Member
Operations Manager
Team Member


Small Business
Customer Service

FAQs about Tony Koehler

What is the main profession of Tony Koehler?

This professional's job is Manager

What are the main profession of This professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Manager

Where does Tony Koehler live?

Davenport, Iowa is the place where Tony Koehler currently lives

Where did Tony Koehler work?

This expert worked at Camp Point Mutual Insurance Company, Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc..

Does Tony Koehler have personal website or blog?

This professional`s website is http://www.cpmutual.com and https://www.prepaidlegal.com/MS/Multisite?site=hub&assoc=koehlerfromaninssv.

Where has Tony Koehler studied?

Tony studied at the Truman State University from 1980 to 1984.

Are there any special industries, that Tony Koehler is connected to?

This person works in Insurance industry.

What are special skills of Tony Koehler?

This person has the following skills: Small Business, Customer Service, and Insurance.