Tom Harmon

Community Sales Manager

Tom Harmon has been a Community Sales Manager in Buffington Homes, L.P.. Moreover, the professional has an employment history at one company using similar skills. Today Tom lives in Austin, Texas region. Find this professional's actual e-mail and phone through our search.
Name variants:
Thomas Harmon

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Austin, TX


Buffington Homes, L.P.
Community Sales Manager

Johns Island, SC



Work History

Community Sales Manager


Sales Manager
Sales Director

FAQs about Tom Harmon

What's the profession of Tom Harmon?

This professional's job is Community Sales Manager

What jobs is Tom a professional at?

The expert is proficient at Executive and Sales Manager jobs.

Where is Tom Harmon located?

The expert is located in Austin, Texas.

Where did Tom Harmon work?

The expert worked at Buffington Homes, L.P..

Are there any industries Tom Harmon is connected to?

Tom Harmon works in Construction industry.