Susan Moore

Senior Project Accountant

We found the following information about Susan Moore at Maas Companies, Inc., where this professional has worked as a Finance Manager since 2006. Susan's total work experience is over ten years, during which time the professional had at least four jobs at different companies to develop skills. Susan studied at the Brigham Young University from 1976 to 1980. Currently, Susan Moore is located in San Jose, California. You can contact with Susan by searching for phone or email or get full info by requesting access to this expert's additional details from us.
Name variants:
Susanna Moore, Susannah Moore, Susanne Moore, Suzanne Moore, Sue Moore, Susie Moore, Susi Moore, Susy Moore, Suzie Moore, Suzy Moore, Sukie Moore, Sarah Moore, Ann Moore, Anna Moore, Anne Moore, Annie Moore, Sukey Moore

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 10, 2022
San Jose, CA


Maas Companies, Inc.
Finance Manager

Newport Beach, CA


Education Management, Nonclassifiable Establishments, Management Consulting Services Business Consulting Services, Consulting Services

Work History

Finance Manager

Los Altos, CA
Senior Accountant for Foothill College and FHDA District. Responsible for bond reporting and implementation, contract documentation, quarterly & fiscal year-end reconciliation. Thoroug...
from Oct 2006

Special Projects / Accountant

Felton, CA - Salinas, CA and Bakersfield, CA
Specialized in state reporting, scheduled maintenance and capital outlay. Lead for Maas Companies in on-site Space Inventory, employee training and state reporting in Fusion. Conducted spa...
2003 — 2006

Administrative Assistant/Project Accountant

Aptos, CA
Administrative Assistant and Project Accountant for Cabrillo College. Proficient in scheduled maintenance, capital outlay, grant and bond projects. Proficient in Datatel (College Financial...
1999 — 2003

Bookstore Manager

Oakhurst, CA
Managed a small bookstore in the Sierras. Knowledge of current and used books. Specialized in theatre and literature publications.
1995 — 1998


1976 — 1980


Financial Director
Chief Accountant
Financial Officer
Financial Manager
Account Manager


Simply Accounting
Financial Reporting
Public Speaking
Microsoft Excel
Project Management
Account Reconciliation
Staff Development
Leadership Development
Program Management
Higher Education
Microsoft Office
Curriculum Development
Team Building
Change Management
Proposal Writing

FAQs about Susan Moore

What's the main profession of Susan Moore?

Susan is a Senior Project Accountant.

What are the profession of The professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Financial Director

Where does Susan Moore currently live?

San Jose, California is the place where Susan Moore lives

Does the professional have the email address?

su** is The expert's email address.

How many companies did Susan Moore work at?

Susan Moore worked at four jobs.

Where has Susan Moore studied?

Susan studied at the Brigham Young University from 1976 to 1980.

What is professional industry that Susan Moore is connected to?

This person works in Education Management industry.

What are the skills of Susan Moore?

Susan Moore has the following skills: Simply Accounting, Theatre, Financial Reporting, Excel, Public Speaking, Leadership, Microsoft Excel, Project Management, Account Reconciliation, and Management.