Steve Oblas

Executive Director, Internet Services and New Media

We found the following information about Steve Oblas at Lehigh University, where the professional has worked as a Executive Director, Internet Services and New Media since 2008. Steve's total work experience is over three years, during which time this person had at least two jobs at different places to develop skills. Steve studied at the Lehigh University. Steve currently lives in Allentown, Pennsylvania. You can contact with Steve by searching for phone number or email address or get further info by requesting access to the professional's further details.
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Stephen Oblas

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 10, 2022
sj**, st**
Allentown, PA


Lehigh University
Executive Director, Internet Services and New Media


Higher Education

Work History

Executive Director, Internet Services and New Media

Anticipates need and develops big picture web, mobile and digital strategies, interactive solutions and on-demand services from an integrated communications and marketing perspective. Teams ...
from Jul 2008

Director, Internet & Design Services

Lead goal planning, resource management and execution activities of combined creative and technical services team. Prioritize, plan and develop project implementations for the Design Service...
Jul 2005 — Jan 2008


Chief Executive Officer
Graphic Design Specialist
HR Specialist
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive
Air Transportation Worker
Legal Counsel
Operations Manager
Graphic Designer

FAQs about Steve Oblas

What is the main profession of Steve Oblas?

Steve Oblas is a Executive Director, Internet Services and New Media.

What jobs is Steve proficient at at?

Steve is proficient at Executive and Chief Executive Officer jobs.

Where is Steve Oblas located?

Steve Oblas is located in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Does Steve have the email address?

sj** and st** is Steve Oblas's email address.

How many companies did Steve Oblas work at?

The professional worked at two jobs.

Where has Steve Oblas studied?

Steve studied at the Lehigh University.

What is the industry that Steve Oblas worked in?

Steve Oblas works in Higher Education industry.