Steve Dong

Principal Owner

We found the following information about Steve Dong at Gaiam, where Steve has worked as a Chief Information Officer since 2007. Steve's total work experience is over 13 years, during which time the professional had at least nine jobs at different places to develop skills. Steve studied at the Pacific Lutheran University from 1977 to 1981. Currently, Steve is located in Denver, Colorado. You can contact with Steve by searching for phone number or email or get additional information by requesting access to this expert's further details.
Name variants:
Stephen Dong

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 22, 2022
sd**, st**
Denver, CO


Chief Information Officer

Louisville, CO


Health, Wellness and Fitness, Lifestyle Media Services, Misc Personal Services, Video Production, Miscellaneous Personal Services

Work History

Chief Information Officer

833 south Boulder Rd, Louisville, CO
2007 — 2009

Principal Owner

1420 5Th Ave SUITE 2200, Seattle, WA 98101
from Jan 1, 2005


2004 — 2005

Vice President Marketing and Business Development and Business Intelligence

2002 — 2004

Executive Vice President

2001 — 2002


2000 — 2001

Vice President of Operations

1998 — 2000

Director of Merchandising

1995 — 1998

Chief Operating Officer

1994 — 1995



School Principal
Chief Information Officer
School Administrator
Educational Manager
Chief Executive
Technology Director
Technical Managers


Management Consulting
Business Process Improvement
Program Management
Business Transformation
Process Improvement
Business Strategy
Change Management
Strategic Planning
Project Portfolio Management
It Strategy
Business Intelligence
Start Ups
Mergers and Acquisitions
Cross Functional Team Leadership
Vendor Management
Executive Management
Business Analysis
Leadership Development
Operations Management

FAQs about Steve Dong

What is the main profession of Steve Dong?

This professional's job is Principal Owner

What jobs is Steve proficient at at?

The expert is proficient at Professor and School Principal jobs.

Where does Steve Dong currently live?

Denver, Colorado is the place where Steve Dong lives

Does Steve Dong have the email address?

sd** and st** is The professional's email address.

Where did Steve Dong work?

The professional worked at Gaiam, Point B.

Where has Steve Dong studied?

Steve studied at the Pacific Lutheran University from 1977 to 1981.

Are there any professional industries, that Steve Dong is connected to?

This professional works in Retail industry.

Are there any skills Steve Dong has?

Steve Dong has skills in the following areas: Management Consulting, Business Process Improvement, Program Management, Strategy, Business Transformation, Management, and Process Improvement.