Stephanie Peterson

Reception/ personal assistant to regional VP

We found the following information about Stephanie Peterson at Invitation Homes, where this professional has worked as a Reception/ personal assistant to regional VP since 2000. Stephanie's total work experience is over 18 years, during which time this person had at least three jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Stephanie studied at the Arizona State University from 2007. Stephanie Peterson currently is located in Mesa, Arizona. You can contact with Stephanie by searching for phone or email address or get additional info by requesting access to the person's further details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Stephany Peterson, Stephania Peterson, Stephana Peterson, Stefanie Peterson, Stefania Peterson, Stefana Peterson, Steffanie Peterson, Steph Peterson, Stephie Peterson, Steff Peterson, Steffy Peterson, Stevie Peterson

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Contact Information

Last Update
2, 2014
Mesa, AZ


Reception/ personal assistant to regional VP

Work History

Reception/ personal assistant to regional VP

2000 — Jun 2014

Rives CPA

Sep 2011 — Jun 2014

Personal assistant

Nov 2010 — Sep 2011


Personal Secretary
Regional Vice President
Certified Public Accountant
Vice President
Chief Executive
Accounting Bookkeeper

FAQs about Stephanie Peterson

What's the main profession of Stephanie Peterson?

Stephanie is a Reception/ personal assistant to regional VP.

What are the main profession of This expert?

These person's professions are Personal Secretary

Where does Stephanie Peterson live?

They lives in Mesa, Arizona.

Where did Stephanie Peterson work?

Stephanie worked at Invitation Homes, Apple Incorporated.

What education does Stephanie Peterson have?

Stephanie studied at the Arizona State University from 2007.