Shirley Jaggers

VP Human Resources

Shirley Jaggers has been a VP Human Resources at Fabricated Metals, LLC. Moreover, this person has an employment history at one company using similar skills. Currently they live in Louisville, Kentucky region. Find Shirley Jaggers's actual email address and number through Connexy search.
Name variants:
Shirlee Jaggers, Shirlie Jaggers, Shirl Jaggers

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Last Update
Feb 5, 2022
Louisville, KY


VP Human Resources

Louisville, KY


Mfg Architectural Mtlwrk Mfg Sheet Metalwork Aluminum Rolling/Drawing Mfg Alumnm Extrded Prdts

Work History

VP Human Resources

6300 Kenjoy Dr, Louisville, KY 40214


HR Specialist
Human Resources Specialist
Vice President
Chief Executive

FAQs about Shirley Jaggers

What's the profession of Shirley Jaggers?

This professional's job is VP Human Resources

What jobs is Shirley Jaggers a professional at?

Shirley Jaggers is proficient at HR Specialist and Human Resources Specialist jobs.

Where does Shirley Jaggers currently live?

Louisville, Kentucky is the place where Shirley Jaggers currently lives

Where did Shirley Jaggers work?

This professional worked at Fabricated Metals, LLC.