Sherry Wimberly

Director of Finance and Human Resources

We found the following information about Sherry Wimberly at Weathermatic, where this professional has worked as a Director of Finance and Human Resources since 2001. Sherry's total work experience is over 14 years, during which time they had at least five jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Sherry studied at the Richland College. Sherry Wimberly currently is located in Dallas, Texas. You can contact with Sherry by looking for phone number or email or get exhaustive information by requesting access to the professional's further details.
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Sherry Wimberly

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jan 29, 2016
Dallas, TX


Director of Finance and Human Resources

Garland, TX


Environmental Services

Work History

Director of Finance and Human Resources

• Manage day-to-day needs of accounts payable and accounts receivable. • Ensure timely reporting of financial statements to board of directors, inside management group, and bank. • Analyze ...
from Dec 2001

Commissions Payroll Manager

• Directed timely calculation and payment of commissions; laptop deductions; calculation and payment of quarterly bonuses; and tracking, calculation and reconciliation of customer referral p...
1998 — 2001

Senior Accountant

• Directed all aspects of accounting including financial statements, bank reconciliation, general ledger account analysis, journal entry verification, and data entry. • Functioned as branch...
1997 — 1998

Assistant Controller

• Maintained full responsibility for accounting cycle including accounts payable, accounts receivable, general journal entries, and financial statement reporting. • Ensured timely and accura...
1996 — 1997

Senior Accountant

1986 — 1995


Financial Director
HR Specialist
Human Resources Specialist
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable Specialist
Accounts Receivable
Board Member
Payroll Administrator
Financial Broker
Loan Officers
Loan Officer
Financial Officer
Financial Manager
Management Team Executive
Operations Manager
Payroll Supervisor
Compensations and Benefits

FAQs about Sherry Wimberly

What is the main profession of Sherry Wimberly?

This professional's job is Director of Finance and Human Resources

What jobs is Sherry Wimberly a professional at?

The expert is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Financial Director.

Where does Sherry Wimberly currently live?

Sherry lives in Dallas, Texas.

Where did Sherry Wimberly work?

This expert worked at Weathermatic, AccuBanc Mortgage / National City Mortgage.

Where has Sherry Wimberly studied?

Sherry studied at the Richland College.

What is the industry that Sherry Wimberly worked in?

Sherry Wimberly works in Construction industry.