Shauna Petchel

Nonprofit Operations Manager

We found the following information about Shauna Petchel at Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon, where this professional has worked as a Operations Manager since 2006. Shaunna's total work experience is over four years, during which time Shaunna had at least three jobs at different companies to develop professional skills. Shaunna studied at the Portland State University from 2006 to 2009. Currently, Shauna Petchel lives in Portland, Oregon. You can contact with Shauna by looking for phone or email address or find further info by requesting access to their additional details from us.
Name variants:
Shaunna Petchel

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 4, 2016
Portland, OR


Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon
Operations Manager

Portland, OR


Public Policy, Membership Organization

Work History

Operations Manager

from Sep 2006

Dietary Technician

2004 — 2006

Dental Assistant

2002 — 2004



Operations Manager
Director of Operations
Organization Management
Health Specialist
Dietary Technician
Dietary Aide
Dietetic Technician

FAQs about Shauna Petchel

What's the main profession of Shauna Petchel?

Shauna Petchel is a Nonprofit Operations Manager.

What are the main profession of The professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Operations Manager

Where is Shauna Petchel located?

The expert is located in Portland, Oregon.

Where did Shauna Petchel work?

This person worked at Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon, Health South Rehabilitation Hospital.

Where has Shauna Petchel studied?

Shaunna studied at the Portland State University from 2006 to 2009.

What is the industry that Shauna Petchel worked in?

Shauna Petchel works in Non-Profit Organization Management industry.