Sharon Jensen

Owner at Mama Made It LLC

We found the following information about Sharon Jensen at Memorial Health System, where this expert has worked as a RN since 2007. Sharon's total work experience is over three years, during which time Sharon had at least three jobs at different companies to develop skills. Sharon studied at the Pikes Peak Community College from 1979 to 1982. You can contact with Sharon by searching for phone number or email address or get exhaustive info by requesting access to the professional's additional details.
Name variants:
Sharron Jensen, Sharen Jensen, Sharyn Jensen, Shari Jensen, Sharrie Jensen

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Last Update
Feb 1, 2016


Memorial Hospital of South Bend

South Bend, IN


Hospital & Health Care, Doctor's Office, Medical Center, General Hospital, Emergency Medicine, Family Doctor, Anesthesiology, Oncology, Hospitals, Radiology, Psychiatrist, Pediatrician, Internist, Physical Medicine, Physical Therapist

Work History


RN in Transition/Newborn nursery with 27+ years experience
from May 2007


Home made soy-wax candles, speciality handcrafts.
from Mar 2002

Home care Rn

Home care RN for medically fragile, special needs child.
Jun 2003 — Apr 2006



Health Specialist
Hospital Care Professional
Chief Executive
Nurse Practitioner
Health Professional
Health Practitioner

FAQs about Sharon Jensen

What is the profession of Sharon Jensen?

This professional's job is Owner at Mama Made It LLC

What jobs is Sharon Jensen a professional at?

Sharon Jensen is proficient at such jobs as Executive and Owner.

Where did Sharon Jensen work?

The expert worked at Memorial Health System, Mama Made It LLC.

Where has Sharon Jensen studied?

Sharon studied at the Pikes Peak Community College from 1979 to 1982.

What is the industry that Sharon Jensen is connected to?

Sharon Jensen works in Hospital & Health Care industry.