Sharon Hess

Executive Director at Southern Illinois Coalition for the Homeless

We found the following information about Sharon Hess at Supportive Housing Providers Assocation, where this professional has worked as a President since 2009. Sharon's total work experience is over 15 years, during which time they had at least four jobs at different companies to develop skills. Sharon studied at the Southern Illinois University, Carbondale from 1966 to 1969. Sharon Hess currently is located in Evansville, Indiana. You can contact with Sharon by searching for phone or email or find further info by requesting access to this professional's further details from us.
Name variants:
Sharron Hess, Sharen Hess, Sharyn Hess, Shari Hess, Sharrie Hess

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Evansville, IN


CSH, the Source for Housing Solutions

New York, NY


Financial Services

Work History


Served on Executive Committee to work with Executive Director to plan quarterly meetings, promote supportive housing with legislators, participate on panels to educate public and fellow prov...
from 2009

Executive Director

Grantwriter, manager of staff and programs, speaker
from May 1996

County Manager

Managed a staff of 15, took applications for LIHEAP,Weatherization, and other programs,managed soup kitchen
Feb 1981 — May 1996


Chief Executive Officer
Organization Management
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive
Operations Manager

FAQs about Sharon Hess

What's the main profession of Sharon Hess?

Sharon is a Executive Director at Southern Illinois Coalition for the Homeless.

What jobs is Sharon Hess a professional at?

Sharon Hess is a professional Executive and Chief Executive Officer jobs.

Where does Sharon Hess currently live?

Evansville, Indiana is the place where Sharon Hess lives

How many companies did Sharon Hess work at?

The professional worked at four jobs.

What education does Sharon Hess have?

Sharon studied at the Southern Illinois University, Carbondale from 1966 to 1969.

What is professional industry that Sharon Hess worked in?

This professional works in Nonprofit Organization Management industry.