Seth Zargallows

Facilities Manager at Oak Hill Technology, Inc

Seth Zargallows has been working as a Facilities Manager in Oak Hill Technology, Inc.. Additionally, the professional has on-the-job experience at one company using similar skills. Seth Zargallows studied at the Self Educated. Nowadays the person lives in Austin, Texas region. You can find this person's current phone number and email through our search.
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Seth Zargallows

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 9, 2022
Austin, TX


Facilities Manager


Information Technology and Services

Work History

Facilities Manager



IT Professional
Information Technology Specialist
Operations Manager
IT Specialist

FAQs about Seth Zargallows

What's the main profession of Seth Zargallows?

This professional's job is Facilities Manager at Oak Hill Technology, Inc

What jobs is Seth proficient at at?

Seth Zargallows is proficient at Executive and Manager jobs.

Where is Seth Zargallows currently located?

Seth is currently located in Austin, Texas.

Where did Seth Zargallows work?

This expert worked at Oak Hill Technology, Inc..

What education does Seth Zargallows have?

Seth studied at the Self Educated.

Are there any industries Seth Zargallows works in?

This person works in Information Technology And Services industry.