Scott Lemieux

Financial Advisor, Franchise Owner

We found the following information about Scott Lemieux at American Express Financial Advisors, where Scott Lemieux has worked as a Financial Advisor since 1997. Scott's total work experience is over 29 years, during which time they had at least eight jobs at different places to develop skills. Scott studied at the Tufts University from 1992 to 1994. Scott Lemieux currently lives in Mere Point, Maine. You can contact with Scott by looking for phone or email address or find full information by requesting access to Scott Lemieux's additional details.
Name variants:
Scotty Lemieux

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 23, 2022
Mere Point, ME


Financial Advisor


Financial Services

Work History

Financial Advisor

Personal Financial Planning and asset managment
Sep 1997 — Jul 2005

Financial Advisor, Franchise Owner

3500 Packerland Dr, De Pere, WI 54115
Retirement Income Strategies Estate Planning Personal Portfolio Management
from Jul 2005

Pollution Prevention Engineer

700 Washington St, Bath, ME 04530
Oct 1996 — May 1997

Environmental Engineer

Windsor, CT
Pollution Prevention, Environmental Assessments and Monitoring
Sep 1995 — Oct 1996

Logistics Officer

Jun 1985 — Sep 1994

Patient Accounting and Finance

330 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215
Jan 1989 — Sep 1992

Assitant Director Patient Accounting

1 Joslin Pl, Boston, MA 02215
Mar 1987 — Jan 1989

Medical Administrator Officer

151 Forest Ave, Portland, ME 04101
Jun 1980 — Jun 1985


1992 — 1994
1981 — 1985


Financial Broker
Financial Consultant
Finance and Accounting Specialist
Financial Services Professional
Financial Services Sales Agent
Chief Executive
Accounting Bookkeeper

FAQs about Scott Lemieux

What is the main profession of Scott Lemieux?

Scott is a Financial Advisor, Franchise Owner.

What jobs is Scott a professional at?

The expert is a professional Financial Broker and Financial Consultant jobs.

Where does Scott Lemieux live?

Mere Point, Maine is the place where Scott Lemieux lives

Does the professional have the email address?

sc** is Scott Lemieux's email address.

How many companies did Scott Lemieux work at?

The professional worked at eight jobs.

What education does Scott Lemieux have?

Scott studied at the Tufts University from 1992 to 1994.

Are there any professional industries Scott Lemieux is connected to?

Scott Lemieux works in Financial Services industry.