Scott Krook

Owner at Murphy Business and Financial of Southeast Minnesota

Scott Krook is a qualified professional, who works in The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System on the position of Director from 2005. Scott has earned professional experience in more than three positions at different companies. Scott Krook went to the Glenwood High School, Glenwood, Mn and was studying. Sedan, Minnesota is the area, where this professional was lastly known to be settled. This person's e-mail and phone can be accessed through this website on demand.
Name variants:
Scotty Krook

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jun 30, 2022
s.**, sc**, sc**
Sedan, MN
The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System

Work History

Owner at Murphy Business and Financial of Southeast Minnesota

Clearwater, FL
Full service Business Intermediary/Business Broker/M&A Advisor helping small and middle-market business owners confidentially prepare their companies for sale and then execute the transactio...
from Apr 2016


Chief Executive
Operations Manager


Leadership Development
Higher Education
Public Speaking
Staff Development
Curriculum Development
Customer Service
Team Building
Social Media
Strategic Planning
Event Planning
Community Outreach
Adult Education
Public Relations
Small Business
Educational Leadership
Program Development
Organizational Development
Program Management
Business Planning
Team Leadership
Student Affairs
Supervisory Skills
Non Profits
Management Consulting
Strategic Consulting
Business Analysis
Financial Analysis
Account Management
Sales Management
Operations Management
Financial Reporting
Financial Accounting
Financial Modeling
Corporate Finance
Financial Planning
Financial Services
Managerial Finance
Mergers and Acquisitions
Business To Business

FAQs about Scott Krook

What's the main profession of Scott Krook?

This professional's job is Owner at Murphy Business and Financial of Southeast Minnesota

What are the main profession of Scott?

These person's professions are Executive and Owner

Where is Scott Krook currently located?

The professional is located in Sedan, Minnesota.

What is Scott's email?

Scott Krook's email is s.** and sc**

How many companies did Scott Krook work at?

The professional worked at three jobs.

What education does Scott Krook have?

Scott studied at the Glenwood High School, Glenwood, Mn.

What is professional industry that Scott Krook worked in?

Scott Krook works in Management Consulting industry.

What are special skills of Scott Krook?

Scott has such skills as Leadership Development, Higher Education, Public Speaking, Leadership, Staff Development, Fundraising, Curriculum Development, Customer Service, and Teaching.