Sara Romero

Chef Manager

Sara Romero has been a Chef Manager at Burke Mountain Academy. Moreover, the professional has professional experience at one company in the related field. Sara Romero can be found in Burlington, Vermont – where this person currently lives. You can search for Sara's contacts. We can also provide you detailed contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Sarah Romero

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Burlington, VT


Burke Mountain Academy
Chef Manager


Primary/Secondary Education

Work History

Chef Manager


Food Preparer
Food Preparation Worker
Operations Manager

FAQs about Sara Romero

What's the main profession of Sara Romero?

Sara Romero is a Chef Manager.

What jobs is Sara a professional at?

Sara Romero is proficient at such jobs as Cook and Chef.

Where is Sara Romero currently located?

Sara Romero is currently located in Burlington, Vermont.

Where did Sara Romero work?

The professional worked at Burke Mountain Academy.

What is the industry that Sara Romero is connected to?

Sara Romero works in Fund-Raising industry.