Sandra Langs


Sandra Langs has been working in Reavis Parent Lehrer situated 4, 4. This expert is an experienced Partner at Reavis Parent Lehrer Llp with over zero years of work experience. According to Sandra's CV and work profile, this professional has worked at one place with numerous backgrounds and got different skills. Sandra attended school at the Brown University from 1976 to 1980. Sandra can be found in New York, New York – where the professional currently lives. You can search for Sandra Langs's contacts. We can also provide you detailed contact information upon request.
Name variants:
Sandy Langs

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Contact Information

Last Update
Jul 8, 2022
New York, NY


Reavis Parent Lehrer LLP
Partner at Reavis Parent Lehrer Llp

New York, NY


Law Practice, Legal Services Office, Offices of Lawyers

Work History

Partner at Reavis Parent Lehrer Llp

41 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10010
We are devoted to providing the very highest quality of advice and service to its clients. Our practice areas include litigation and dispute resolution, arbitration and mediation, employment...


1976 — 1980


Real Estate Broker
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Law Specialist
Chief Executive
Property Manager
Real Estate Manager

FAQs about Sandra Langs

What is the profession of Sandra Langs?

This professional's job is Partner

What are the main profession of The professional?

These person's professions are Executive and Partner

Where does Sandra Langs currently live?

New York, New York is the place where Sandra Langs lives

What is the professional's email?

The professional's email is sl**

How many companies did Sandra Langs work at?

The professional worked at one jobs.

What education does Sandra Langs have?

Sandra studied at the Brown University from 1976 to 1980.

Are there any special industries, that Sandra Langs is connected to?

This professional works in Law Practice industry.