Russell Becker

CEO and President

We found the following information about Russell Becker at APi Group Inc., where Russell has worked as a CEO and President since 2002. Russell's total work experience is over 11 years, during which time this person had at least four jobs at different companies to develop skills. Russell studied at the Michigan Technological University from 1989 to 1991. Russell Becker currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. You can contact with Russell by searching for phone or email address or get further information by requesting access to this expert's further details from us.
Name variants:
Russel Becker, Russ Becker

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Minneapolis, MN


APi Group, Inc.
CEO and President

Saint Paul, MN


Construction, Holding Company Conducting Operations Through Subsidiaries

Work History

CEO and President

New Brighton, Minnesota
Becker sets the vision and strategic direction for APi Group Inc. and its diverse subsidiaries. He collaborates with the board and the leadership team to develop strategies to achieve that v...
from 2002


Duluth, Minnesota Area
Between 1998 and 2002, Becker's career at Jamar grew from manager of construction to vice president to president. Jamar's revenues grew from $24 million, when Becker started, to $60 million ...
1998 — 2002

Project Manager

Joined Ryan as a project manager on the Liberty Paper Greenfield Recycled Fiber Paper Machine project. The $80 million project was delivered under budget and three months ahead of schedule. ...
1994 — 1998

Field Engineer

1991 — 1994


Chief Executive Officer
Vice President
Corporate Executive
Chief Executive
Operations Manager


Construction Management
Contract Negotiation
Strategic Planning
Team Building
Customer Service
Project Management
Value Engineering
Fire Protection

FAQs about Russell Becker

What's the profession of Russell Becker?

This professional's job is CEO and President

What jobs is Russell Becker proficient at at?

Russell is a professional Executive and Chief Executive Officer jobs.

Where does Russell Becker currently live?

Minneapolis, Minnesota is the place where Russell Becker lives

Where did Russell Becker work?

Russell Becker worked at APi Group Inc., The Jamar Company.

Does Russell Becker have personal website or blog?

Russell Becker`s website is and

Where has Russell Becker studied?

Russell studied at the Michigan Technological University from 1989 to 1991.

Are there any special industries, that Russell Becker is connected to?

Russell Becker works in Construction industry.

What are the skills of Russell Becker?

This professional has skills in the following areas: Construction Management, Construction, Contract Negotiation, Strategic Planning, Team Building, Leadership, Customer Service, Project Management, and Budgets.