Robert Curtis

Robert Curtis

Vice President Product Development

We found the following information about Robert Curtis at Cerion Enterprises, where Robert has worked as a Executive Vice President Product Development since 2009. Robert's total work experience is over 37 years, during which time this expert had at least four jobs at different places to develop skills. Robert studied at the Cornell University from 1984 to 1986. Currently, Robert Curtis lives in Rochester, New York. You can contact with Robert by looking for phone number or email address or find further info by requesting access to the person's additional details from Connexy.
Name variants:
Bob Curtis, Bobbie Curtis, Bobby Curtis, Dob Curtis, Rob Curtis, Robbie Curtis, Robby Curtis, Robin Curtis, Bert Curtis, Bertie Curtis

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Rochester, NY


Executive Vice President Product Development

Rochester, NY



Work History

Executive Vice President Product Development

Rochester, New York Area
Evaluate and promote the use of Cerion's nanotechnology into new application areas such as fuel cells and batteries. I recently completed the Society of Automotive Engineers course titled "D...
from Jul 2009

Research Scientist and Lab Head

1986 — Jan 2010

Technical Marketing Manager, Eastman Kodak

Technical marketing for silver antimicrobial materials.
Apr 2005 — Mar 2009

Laboratory Head

Lab Head for groups developing imaging technologies to apply to the photographic business. Included researching new silver halide technologies, development into imaging systems and commerci...
May 1996 — May 2005


1984 — 1986
1978 — 1984


Vice President
Executive Vice President
Research Scientist
Chief Executive

FAQs about Robert Curtis

What's the main profession of Robert Curtis?

The expert is a Vice President Product Development.

What are the profession of Robert Curtis?

These person's professions are Executive and Vice President

Where does Robert Curtis currently live?

The professional currently lives in Rochester, New York.

How many companies did Robert Curtis work at?

Robert Curtis worked at four jobs.

What education does Robert Curtis have?

Robert studied at the Cornell University from 1984 to 1986.

Are there any special awards, that Robert Curtis ever received?

Robert received awards and these awards are: Eastman Kodak Company: Diversity Award (2006 - Honorable Mention) Team Achievement Award (1992) C. K. E. Mees Award for Technical Work on Shelf Life Modelling..

Are there any special industries, that Robert Curtis is connected to?

This person works in Chemicals industry.