Rick Chambers

Commercial Manager

We found the following information about Rick Chambers at Prism Plastics, where the professional has worked as a Commercial Manager since 2008. Rick's total work experience is over eight years, during which time this expert had at least three jobs at different places to develop professional skills. Rick studied at the Northwood University from 1989 to 1992. Currently, Rick is located in Detroit, Michigan. You can contact with Rick by searching for phone number or email address or get further information by requesting access to this expert's additional details from Connexy.
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Ricky Chambers

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Contact Information

Last Update
Feb 1, 2016
Detroit, MI


Commercial Manager

New Baltimore, MI


Plastics, Mfg Plastic Products, Nonclassifiable Establishments, Plastics Products, Nec, Nsk

Work History

Commercial Manager

Port Huron, MI
• Manage the sales of existing customers for a small plastic injection molding company. • Negotiate and manage price increases to sustain the companies GOM. • Target new customers and develo...
from Jan 2008

International Sales Manager

Madison Heights, MI
• Represent a Soft Trim Supplier to the Tier 1’s and OEM’s, providing seat covers, door trim inserts, center consoles and headrests. • Represent a Brazilian Iron Casting company supplying ex...
Jan 2007 — Nov 2008

Manufacturer's Represntative

Auburn Hills, MI
• Represented 5 North American Automotive manufacturers, 1 manufacturer in Brazil and 1 manufacturer in China. • Manage $23 million in sales across 4 different manufacturers and 100 differ...
Oct 1999 — Dec 2006


1989 — 1992


Chief Commercial Officer
Sales Manager
Sales Director
Sales Specialist
Chief Executive
Services Professional
Sales Representative

FAQs about Rick Chambers

What is the main profession of Rick Chambers?

Rick Chambers is a Commercial Manager.

What are the main profession of Rick Chambers?

These person's professions are Executive and Chief Commercial Officer

Where is Rick Chambers located?

The professional is currently located in Detroit, Michigan.

How many companies did Rick Chambers work at?

The professional worked at three jobs.

Where has Rick Chambers studied?

Rick studied at the Northwood University from 1989 to 1992.

Are there any industries Rick Chambers works in?

This professional works in Automotive industry.